There is nothing we can do within our power to bring restoration to what is lost.
As He is the Giver of life, He gives and takes away. Nothing we can do can birth, create, breathe into life without His Ruach.
No sacrifice can amount to the cost of the blood of Christ.
Man takes life, man tries to create life, but only He can bring all things to life, because He is life.
Even in our sin that brings a life into death, He can restore. Through Jesus. Though He saw our sin, our selfish desires, our wants; He reached out in mercy in order that we may be with Him for eternity. He gave us Jesus to save us from ourselves.
In our pain and in our trials, He sent us Jesus to take the weight of our control.
He says “let me do this for you. Let me carry this burden because on your own it is too heavy to carry. Let me take it so that you can live free to abide in my love. You don’t have to carry it any longer. You can let me take this burden, let me take your pain. Let me carry it.”
He looked down at our want to control each portion of our lives and gave us Jesus. He gives life through Jesus.
In our own strength we think that what we create on our own is worthy but without Him, what we create can burden us and hinder us. He creates a freedom to live without control because ultimately He is in control.
The Giver of Life who sought to redeem us from ourselves reached down through Jesus.
“I needed you to understand how I value life. Man takes life, but I am the Giver of Life.”
As I stood in that Chapel in Liecester, I felt Him speak into my spirit. For months I have meditated on those words.
He has led me to this:
He had to send a helper because that is how much He values our lives.
He needed me to feel how much life is precious to Him, because He knew how precious that life was to me.
Jesus is precious to Him. He had to take from his own love & self to help/to save/ to redeem us.
He needs us to put aside our plans for His.
He wants us to be with Him and so He sent Jesus so that in and of ourselves we didn’t have to pay the cost. He sent Jesus to give us life more abundantly; because He is Life.
The Giver. The Giver of Life.
The One who Is and Is to come. He gives of himself to us each day. When we call, when we cry, He gives of himself. He gives because that is the Mercy and Grace of our God.
He gives because He gave.
He IS The Giver of Life.
So when your'e doubting remember there is One God who Sees, Who Knows, Who has Crowned you in His glory and righteousness.
Friend, Remember
YOU are Crowned in Beauty,